Monday, May 24, 2010

Farmer's Market Saturday

This past Saturday, the girls and I met our friends Ashley and her daughter, Kendall, at the Farmer's Market in downtown McKinney.
Ashley and Kendall had a nice, earth friendly bag full of healthy stuff.
We, on the other hand, purchased sweets. Lily insisted on muffies (AKA: mini cup-cakes with sprinkles). The muffies were a little hard to hang on to, and because Lily dropped a few, we had to go back and buy more. On the last trip back to the muffy stand, the sweet lady said, "Don't worry, this one is on me!"
The girls were very cute together...Sitting next to each other on an old wooden step eating their muffies, petting a nice dog, dancing to a folk band, then giving kisses to one another when it was time to go. Unfortunately, the only pics I took of the girls were when they were playing with sticks.
Thanks to Ashley and Kendall (AKA: Ka-Ka, when Lily says it) for a nice Saturday morning :)

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