I'm about two weeks late in posting this, but Miss Lily started Pre-School! She attends school twice a week from 9am to 2pm. On the first day, I walked Lily to her "ladybug" classroom where all of the kids were making pretend pizza with Play-Do. She sat right down and joined in. I wanted to take pictures so bad, but I was afraid if I lingered too long she might decide, "something is going on and I'm not staying here!" So I took only a couple of pics and walked out. At this point I'm thinking, "wow, I can't believe this was that easy!" During school Lily had a very good time. She gets a mini-report card everyday giving me details of how her day went. On the first day she was chatty, friendly, busy, cooperative, curious, happy &.....teary! Okay, so the first 6 descriptive words are fabulous, but the last word is, well.... SAD. So this is what happened... Nap time rolled around and instead of napping Lily took the princess clip out of her hair and started playing with it. One of her teachers took it away and this BROKE Lily's heart. She immediately started crying and wanting her mommy! The director came in to hold & comfort Lily and, finally, she calmed down then fell asleep. After nap time, the kids play for a bit until it's parent pick up time. When I arrived to pick up Lily she was all smiles. That evening before bed I asked Lily if she had fun at school and she said, "yes!" I asked her her favorite part about school and she said, "apple juice!" Even though she had a tough go of it at nap time I still feel she enjoyed herself very much :)
So the second day came, this is when the husband & I thought Lily would oppose. Lily, Morgan & I pull into the parking lot of the school and Lily said, "No, Momma!"
I said, "Lily this is your school, remember? I packed your lunch and you have a juice box?!" She said, "Oh yea, okay, Mommy"
Morgan & I walked Lily to her classroom, she walked in and over to the pizza making play-do table & started playing. I just stood there for a few seconds dumbfounded. I totally expected her to throw a fit because, at this point, she now knows I'm leaving her all day. So she's totally fine with school!
"Okay, wow, it's time to go" I say to myself. Miss Lily is growing up!
Editor's note: I just now re-read this post...I totally miss-spelled several words...I guess I'm the one that needs to go back to school!
Or learn to use my "spell check"!!!